Saturday, March 13, 2010

Dreams & Thoughts

Some things that have been on my mind this week or a little more:

1. I hope that we only have breakfast food in Heaven, because I love it for all the meals of the day!

2. I want to be that mom that buys all natural things, reads all the labels of food to make sure there are less preservatives, and then I'll encourage my children to play in the mud all they like. And not care if they eat some.

3. If the Lord gives me children to train on how to live in this world, some basic life things I'll teach them are: how to listen & think before speaking, how to do their own laundry, how to cook, how to check the oil in their car, how to thread a needle, how to work hard, and how to love people through these things---> so that God is glorified through their daily lives.

4. some days as I'm walking around running errands, I dream that a big strong guy is right by my side. At night, I imagine that Jesus is the one right next to me and that everyone else walking by can see Him next to me.

5. If it were possible to at least visit every country of the world for at least 2 weeks each, I would totally do it.

6. I catch myself daydreaming often of my own apartment/home. Full of my own things, then I realize how selfish I am.

7. I love to write people little notes, but it doesn't happen as much anymore. :(

8. Most of the valuable things in life I have learned have been from my dad.

9. I really like filling out paper work for various things.

10. Old people are some of the best people. I want to be a fun grandma lady who bakes cookies for all the kids and grown-ups all the time.

11. If it was possible, I would buy a house, organize some system and help all the homeless people who want to get off the streets of Chicago.

12. My dream job would be to travel all over the world and visit in order to offer encouragement to my many friends who are and will be missionaries all over.

13. When I have a home of my own, I want there to be an open-door policy; for it to be a welcoming, joyous place.

I'm sure there is more, I'll have to add some if I think of any more.

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