Monday, January 9, 2012

Mind Battle

The last few days I have had a raging battle in my mind. There is a guy I like and I cannot get him out of my head. The first thing I noticed about this guy is how godly he is. God is everything to him. He is so different than any guy I've ever been interested in and I can not believe I like him as much as I do because of little things that I've always just assumed came with a person (job, school, older than me, etc) however, this guy has none of those things at this point in life. But honestly, that doesn't bother me because even though I don't know him well, I do know that he loves God so much. He seeks after te heart of God.

Anyhow, I just had to write this down. Even if nothing happens from this, it's fun to look back at these things.

Rest my raging waring mind please Father! I just want to rest in You knowing that You will take care of me and what comes to pass will come to pass, it will not be overdue a single day!! Even if this is just a reminder from You that there are godly young men still out there, let it be. Help my mind to rest in peace. Knowing that my life is in Your hands, I have nothing to fear or worry about.

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