Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Faithful in the Small Things

"faithful in the small things" that is what I left church with Sunday night. Encouraged and challenged to do that. That is and has been my goal. But I have been really questioning "what is the small stuff?"... Today I saw some of the small stuff, and yep, when tested, I did not pass... I was not faithful.

I was reminded today how much I still have to deal with sin in my life.

I want so badly to be accepted, appreciated, cared for, and to have attention of a guy, and today, one in particular. So selfish. Turned into anger a few times when I didn't get what I wanted. Oh how ashamed I am for wanting that and doing that to a friend. Why do I act so silly and get affected by every little thing? Why do I feel like I have to impress someone to be noticed? When will I realize that me, myself, the person I am is good enough, I don't have to try to impress anyone?

Oh I was not faithful in this area. Maybe just so I could realize that I still have things in my life I desperately need Christ to clean up & change me to be more like Him.

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