Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Love from Above

Smiling and joking as we put cans on the shelves.
These guys make my day. I love my job.

Sitting at lunch just eating that food. Somehow get talking about where I'm at. One of these gems looks at me and shares some bold wisdom. Such kindness and encouragement, much needed. Sort of like a slap on the behind, but not in a mean way, just out of complete kindness and brotherly love.

Dinner rolls around, find myself sitting at that same table again. Dear friend walks up, conversation comes about. He sits down, looks me in the eye, tells me in the most serious voice that to him and the rest of the guys I'm their sister in Christ and it is their responsibility to look out for me right now since my dad and brothers are far away and I'm not married or seeing anyone. I was touched beyond words.

Yesterday I spent some time in the Word, just praying what I read and asking for some reassurance of His love, and well did He ever show me today. I felt the love of my Father above today.

Oh shoot Target run. Should have found someone to go with me. Felt silly asking all those boys in the SDR if they would go with me. Finally asked one, he just nonchalantly agreed. And what a time we had.

I am just so encouraged. There are really guys in my life who aren't jerks and I do have good guy friends still. Thank You Jesus!

1 comment:

  1. Amazing....there are some great guys out there. I am so happy you are surrounded by that right now.
