Friday, December 17, 2010

Connecting the Dots

So you know that mysterious guy I've wrote about a few times? And you know all those boys I blogged about a few posts ago? The two collided today, making for the thoughts I will share now.

One of my dear friends is convinced he and his wife will find a husband for me when they leave for the far away mission field... however, this man (according to my friend) will be an elderly gentleman...who probably just wants a cook and housekeeper.

The other guys over heard this conversation and how I thought that if I marry an old man, my desperation will truly show!

They then began to share their dating advice. Basically my conclusion is to just give up. Then the guys will FLOOD around me and notice me and be so interested. Hahahahahaha

Funny way to end work today.

So I just decided to go to the store, however, I saw a friend who knows the mystery man and we chatted for a while.

She confirmed the same admiration for his weird yet intriguing demeanor. He is a truly genuine person, so intentional, deep, and such a good friend. I told her how I wish I just knew him better or knew what was going on inside his mind.

After some recent events with him, I have been a little worried about our friendship, but after this conversation with our mutual friend today, I'm confident my friendship with the mystery man will continue. He is an encouragement and blessing in my life. And he probably appreciates me more than I realize.

Anyhow, you ask, how do these two collide?


I'm just so content tonight. I came home and just sat in my cold, messy, but cozy apartment. Roommates gone (love them, but it is nice to have space sometimes!). Curled up and watched some Gilmore Girls, warmed up food from work, and have just sat at my computer enjoying life by myself!

Seriously, I have LOVED this tonight. Usually I have depressed Friday nights alone... but tonight doesn't even feel like a Friday night. And I am really happy to be alone. I'm really ok, I don't really want a man in my life right now, not because what the guys said, but honestly because I'm truly enjoying this. It is wonderful. room is not cleaning itself...

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