Monday, January 24, 2011

Average Girl

I guess I'm not your average girl.

I discovered this tonight after I sat at a table with mostly guys and found our conversation developing on the topic of castration, and then animal castration.

I educated those boys on how its done on the farm. Most of them didn't know. Haha. I didn't really think much about the whole scenario until someone came back to the table and realized we were still talking about such things, and was a little disgusted. To his disgust, my friend Justin informed him that "Rebecca started it all." Haha. Not really sure how I manage to 'start' such topics... that's a little weird.

I honestly think Justin started it, but whatever, it was funny.

All that to say, I'm not the average girl who is grossed out by meat, where it comes from and how it was meant to be on this earth as an animal in order to be one day enjoyed on the plate of humans. That was God's purpose for those beasts.

I'm ok with this difference from most girls. I rather like it actually. And really, I'm not that weird, it is just that not many people are like me here in this city, back where I come from that is who people are raised. That's part of the culture. Just like here in Chicago part of the culture is to wear boots that cost too much and wear out in one season because of all the salt on the sidewalks when it snows.

Step back and enjoy the cultural differences. :)

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