Thursday, January 27, 2011


Mom was right. Just before I left for college, mom told me about how she learned so much about herself when she moved out of her parent's home and lived on her own. She was telling me this to encourage me that life at college was going to be more than what the classroom had to offer. She was telling me that I would be constantly learning.

Oh how right she was! I haven't stopped learning from the day my parents dropped me off in Houghton 216 and hurried to catch their flight back to Colorado that snowy January in 2007. In fact, there were many days I thought back to my mom's words all through my time at Moody. I began learning as my independence was gaining. I am so thankful for those words of truth.

One of those things I am constantly learning about is communication. I am fascinated by communication. I don't understand it and I don't even know how I communicate. I want to be better though.

One of the things I've learned about myself relating to communication is that I tend to be pretty easy-going--if I've been communicated to. I get upset when people do not communicate to me what they want or expect. I get frustrated with myself when I cannot articulate what's going on in my head to those who it really matters. I get a little frazzled when I cannot seem to make my directions clear to others.

I'm still learning this communication thing, and wow, I'm learning that it is a vital part of life.

This new job would be terrible if people did not communicate. I am thankful for the people I get to work with who initially react with grace when the plan gets skewed. I am thankful for the opportunities to admit I'm wrong, and learn from the mistakes. I am thankful for the wisdom of those above me.

I have so much to learn, and I'm sure my mom would agree that this is all just part of what she was talking about.

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