Sunday, September 19, 2010

Phone Call

My phone rang earlier tonight, a little baffled, I looked, thinking it was a text, no, it said "mom calling". I picked it up and said "hi mom", but was a little worried because I could not think of why she would be calling me and then began running my mind over the possibilities of bad things that could have happened that she would be calling about. And then I heard, "its not mom". That deep voice could only be my baby brother. Oh dear.

Pete called to tell me something, and after about 10 minutes of his laughter, jokes, translating what dad was saying in the background, I finally pulled it out of him.

He called to tell me that he was selected to be an attendant for homecoming at his high school. He said that dad has called him King Peter since he found out. Pete said that he didn't even tell dad right away and now dad has just run away with this. They were all just laughing and having so much fun. Really, I was so happy to hear them!

Pete then went on to explain what all the dress up days are for this coming week for Homecoming. I asked him if he & Sam are dressing up, he didn't sound too thrilled about it. I tried to convince him that he is only in high school now, he can't go back, he needs to live it up and have some fun now! Make some memories and come up with some stories to tell his children one day.

I hope he dresses up. I hope dad takes pictures.

Let's just say I'm one proud sister. Those boys are amazing. I seriously love them so much. I can't believe they're in high school and not tottering around in diapers with squirt guns and running to their 'boys only' fort in the back yard. When did they get so big and change so much?

I hope they follow hard after God. I hope that they always have a character about them that draws people to them and to God. I hope they are a testimony of who Jesus is to all they encounter. I love those boys!

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