Wednesday, September 1, 2010

My Grandmas

Today was my grandma's 77th birthday. She recently climbed one of the harder 14,000 ft mountains in Colorado. She is amazing. Her love for people and strong spirit drive her to do many many things. She is competitive, and caring. She loves to compete even to make more blankets than last year for those in need. Or knit more sweaters for the less fortunate in her city than the previous year. She never gives up. She has always told me to figure out what I want to do and just go for it, never to listen or be swayed by others. She would say to believe in myself, that I can do anything I put my mind to. She would also tell us that if we got down from the table while eating, that meant we were done and could not return for that meal.

My other grandma will be 80 at the end of the month. She is picking me up at the airport on Friday. She is a strong, strong, wise woman. She is smart and very helpful. One of the most hospitable and caring people I know. She loves to always have goodies pouring out of every little space of her kitchen... when I was a kid my dad always told me to take it easy on the sweets when we were at her house! :)

She taught me some of the fun kids songs I know, like 'Ten in the Bed'. She also was the queen of saying "Only take a little food to start, you can always come back for more." So true. I think of her often when I'm working with children, especially preschool aged children because she was a preschool teacher for a long time. Mom always told me that I take after her in my physical form, I have her teeth and her feet, as well of course, her height! While my older sister got our other grandma's features.

The thing that sticks out to me is the years these women have devoted to helping and caring for other people. They have both had sick husbands, and one has even lost her husband. They have both raised amazing children and have been blessed with many grandchildren.

I cannot help but wonder the spiritual state of the hearts of these women. It is my heart's desire and what I long for to know these women do not serve in vain, but really do serve the Lord. I pray that they really do know the truth and are not just 'good' people. I pray for boldness in sharing with them the realness of how my life has been transformed. I pray for the conversations to come with these wonderful women I respect so much, take my words Lord and let Your love flow!

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