Tuesday, October 5, 2010


The past few weeks I've been reading about women who were in Jesus' line. I feel like parts of the Old Testament have just come alive in a whole new way. I love reading about these women and trying to get a grasp on what life was like for them so so long ago. And to think that I know how their stories end! They didn't know what was going to happen to them and many of them had terrible terrible terrible situations to deal with. I am just reminded of God's redemption, as well as His love and grace. His desire to bring His Son into this world in the most 'unlikely-to-man' sort of ways, even using some special, forgotten, shameful, FOREIGN women who exercised incredible faith.

Yesterday I finished reading about Rahab, and I could not even shift my focus today and start reading about Ruth, even though we started a study on Ruth at church last week, but my mind was still back with the Israelites who had just entered the promised land back in the book of Joshua. I then opened up my Bible and read the next few chapters following Rahab's rescue and was astounded at the power of God, people's rebellion, or just plain stupidity that is so human and so normal and I can so relate to.

I seriously feel like the Bible has come to life in a whole new way. I don't know if it is because of my trip to Israel, or if it is the Holy Spirit, maybe a good good combination of both. All I know is that tonight I go to bed knowing that my God is the same God that made those walls of Jericho crumble to the ground, the same God who had His people walk across two bodies of water on DRY land. He is truly the same yesterday, today and forever, and that is a promise to cling to.

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